


I want to learn English.


I'm  introvert.

I'm imperfect and enough.


I regretted my failure.

I was ashamed of it.

But it was a valuable experience.

I have a feeling of gratitude.


Let myself be seen, deeply seen, vulnerability seen.

Don't numb vulnerability.

If do so, we numb the other emotion; joy, gratitude, happiness, etc.

To feel vulnerable means I'm alive.


I lack experience.

I'm young.

Let's do many things with fear and vulnerability.

I wanna regret after trying.

Let's talk.

The past is past.

I have been mistaken many times and I'll do now, too.

I learn from experience.

There may be something not to restore.

But now I can see what there were.



"The power of introverts" Susan Cain

"The power of vulnerability" Brene Brown


I wanna understand them more in English.